Wednesday, November 17, 2010

EMG getting hurt by expected price controls...

Chinese authorities is stepping up the fight against inflation: China pricecontrol and more balanced reporting: China downplays price control

Meanwhile in EMG-land things are bleak:  EMG Bonds: EMG Chart & EMG Stock: EMG Stock

Pretty much all markets are now at "infliction point" - the sound advice is to scale down short or neutralize, but for now models dictates one destinct theme:  SHORT FIXED INCOME!  As long as this plays I remain with some downside risk on all markets.

Meanwhile our back-stop Beta- model still long (Beta Model), so..... market needs to decide and soon..... watch Ireland's resolution and it's impact or lack of impact as catalyst for next leg.

Volatility is bid (VIX) and should be so: Volatility is the uncertainty of path - and never in mytrading life has the path been more difficult to predict.

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