Monday, December 6, 2010

Ben Bernanke on drugs... he has lost it!

I am totally stunned that BB can be this ignorant. We are now back in 2000 - the bubble getting bigger, and he feels vindicated. BB is now more on TV than Obama - neither earning any credit for their performances. This is GOOD news. The policy makers is now on heavy doses of drugs - I look so much forward to 2011 when this manipulation game is over. (Everyone needs 2010 to be a good year!)

Watch three things...

  1. 10 yrs US rates - touched 3.05 Friday.......came down again... but let's talk Friday!
  2. Irish budget vote tomorrow: Majority of two in Ireland at risk
  3. E-bonds would end crisis: Juncker & Monti on E-bonds.  This is key, key, key........

Bring on 2001 revival......  Listen to a VERY desperate man: Ben Bernanke.....: 60 Minutes interview

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