Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What you NEED to know about Trichet!!!!!

If you look up Trichet on Wiki its a smooth and nice CV, but look closer and you see and understand how he believes in Socialism and intervention. This is NOT a market friendly guy - and certainly not one which should rule the henceforth independent ECB:

Mr Trichet was born in 1942 in Lyons, the son of a professor of Greek and Latin. He trained initially as a mining engineer before switching to the French finance ministry via the Ecole Nationale d'Administration.

In his early years Mr Trichet dallied with leftwing politics, joining the militant PSU party and earning the nickname Justix (after Asterix, the cartoon character) for his defence of workers' rights. But by the late 1980s, he was director of the French Treasury and chairman of the Paris Club of international creditors, involved in a wave of emerging market debt crises.

The French tradition as Mr Trichet rose through the ranks saw a clear role for state intervention, says Gilles Moec, European economist at Deutsche Bank. "If there is a need for deep and decisive public action at a time of crisis, he will not hesitate – because that is the way these guys are built." The ECB president also "belongs to a generation of civil servants which really put a lot of energy and passion into Europe's monetary union ... it is almost spiritual".

I rest my case - yet another Socialistic experiment is about to implode!

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