Friday, April 23, 2010

Historic day: This is the beginning of the end for EUROZONE

Greece asks for help, finally:

Eurozone will not exist in five years time - the headwinds of fiscal deficits, overspending and overleveraged needs to be paid. The bill is arriving just as the world feels the most confident in two years!

Greece is now getting "bail-out" - and this is against both the legal but more importantly the spirit of the Maastricht Treaty. The bail-out will be challenged around Germany, Holland and Ireland - and I find it comic that Portugal and Spain now needs to pay for Greece = Farce! Farce!

I include picture from my screen to put this into perspective when we talk about this end of year: This is Lehman all over for me - I remember LEHMAN turning-and-twisting/lying about how healthy and how much progress they made. History has shown they deceived everyone and like Greece was outright liars.

Justics will prevail - maybe not this year, but it will. I end with one of my "own" qoutes:

Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.  ~Winston Churchill


Click on chart for bigger version

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