Monday, February 21, 2011

Probably non-event but remember Irish Election on Friday

Social unrest is in but it seems unlike the Irish election will cause any major change in European politicians efforts to secure a medium to long-term solution to the overall debt issues in Europe, the latest polls goes like this:

When people were asked who they would vote for if there were a general election tomorrow, the figures for party support (when undecided voters were excluded) compared with the last Irish Times  poll on February 3rd were: Fianna Fáil, 16 per cent (up one point); Fine Gael, 37 per cent (up four points); Labour, 19 per cent (down five points); Sinn Féin, 11 per cent (down one point); Green Party, 2 per cent (up one point); and Independents/Others, 15 per cent (no change).


Fine Gael: 37 pct(+4 in poll)
Labour: 19 pct (-5 in poll)
Fianna Fail: 16 pct(+1 in poll)
Sinn Fein: 11 pct(-1 in poll)
Green Party: 2 pct (+1)
Independents/Others: 15(no change - but major component)

Link to coverage from Irish Times:

In Germany Merkel took a hit in the poll seeing archrival Socialdemocrats sweep into majority and power in one of the most affluent areas of Germany - will it change her tactics into EU Summit in March? Unlikely - the end game is getting close on SOME compromise needs to be found to secure short-term stability and the illussion of progress. (Hamburg Link)

Nice week

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