Friday, August 6, 2010

Non-farm as bad as expected now on to FED meeting next week...

These numbers are bad news for Obama AND we are getting to the RIOT
point in my cycle analysis - this next week could make or break this
year performance for investors:
FED to meet Aug. 10th :
- They will most likely restart buying treasuries (1 trillion worth)
==> Buy Gold.
My favourite tech-model have 1140 top - but its falling and the April
high WAS the high for this year........most likely....
My SPY w. MFI model also indicating lack of REAL buying.. note how MFI
below does not reach same level as other peak... actually falls!
To top this of - this is massive season for non-conventional market timers..
More this week-end, but this being early warning that next week will
be potentially "explosive"...

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