Thursday, September 15, 2011

FW: Trading loss in UBS - a first warning like in 2000 and 2008?




1992: Nick Leeson:  Barings… è Ending Barings life….


2008 : (Januar) -  Soc .Gen. Jerome Kerviel 4.9 billion loss    è Makes tanks later 2008..   link:


September 2011: UBS Loss/Fraud 2 billion è


Think this is random? Hardly! Next is some HF – high profiled going under (I could easily imagine one specific one in the media often) and we have an almost repeat of 2000, 2007/08 …..


Let me stress for good orders sake: I remain focused on ‘Maximum Intervention’ as main theme for Q4 – which means more extend-and-pretend and probably slight risk-on environment despite the odds.


Alan P send me this pic:



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