Friday, October 15, 2010

QE euphoria peak or acceleration?

This morning speech from Ben the Helicopter pilot will set the stage for next leg in this QE euophoria which can only be compared with the brainless technology run in 1999/2000  (Facts does not matter, economics does not matter......)

There is some 'concerns' in the technical picture fixed income  (see my blog earlier this week) but now also in GOLD as measured by GLD here: Gold Chart, but it is important to note: this is NOT trading market but euphoria....two very different markets.......

There is some people looking for much, much higher GOLD - which probably means not only more QE but escalation of currency war and potentially outright distrust in the US Dollar.

I am still trading day-by-day not getting in love with any trades per se - but must say the "dinner table" analyst in me finds this market extremely overdone - but little does it matter - the game is BS and BS we get, again, again and again......

Safe weekend

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