Thursday, June 10, 2010

Wires report on Chinese Pension Chief moves EUR & S&P Futures

This story moved EURUSD from 1.1970 to 1.2040 and S&P Futures from 1056 offered to 1063 bid - Most amazing being the move itself - shows you we are cross road where either we take out 1040-00 and open for big loss' or the PPT steps in and we react to the 'divergence' in the charts.

SPX w. divergence (click for link) 

BULLET: EUROPE: Wires reporting comments from China pension..

EUROPE: Wires reporting comments from China pension fund chief, saying
the Euro can weather the current crisis, adding its normal for the euro
to see big swings amid debt crisis.

Provided by: Market News International

also worth noting:  Spain comes to the market today with auction:(Source: MNI)

EUROZONE ISSUANCE: Spain comes to the market Thursday with sale of
new 3-year benchmark 2.50% Oct 2013 Bono Thursday for between
E3.0-4.0bln size. 


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