Sunday, December 9, 2012

Club Med mastermind Monti resign - Italy to apply for OTM?

I was preparing a week-end macro note when Reuters had breaking news:

Italy PM Monti will resign as soon as budget passed - statement

The Mastermind of Club Med Mario Monti have resigned as he has lost the backing of Berlusconi's People of Freedom Party. You can't blame a 69 year old bureacrat for not wanting to sit this one out, but Monti will be major loss for the pretend-and-extend crowd in Club Med. 

Club Med managed in 2012 to get considerbale concessions from Germany and the EU Commission and no one has been more instrumental than Monti, who by Brussels insiders is seen as the 'puppet master' of Rahoy, Hollande and Draghi. His influence can not be overestimated, but make no mistakes Monti is the definition of extend-and-pretend.

When asked recently asked for two things which could help Europe back to normalisation he answered: Stabile government and Euro bonds. Ironic he now is the very reason that politics again will in focus and that Euro bonds have never been further away with Berlusconi and Nothern League certain to call for reintroduction of the Lira, Italy is again in the headlines for the wrong reasons. 

The social tension in Italy but also in Spain and Portugal is about to explode. The desperate youth will look for more Radical politicians to carry their message, this has always been the case when we have recession and frustations - unfortunately.

The Sunday opening in Sydney should see EUR/USD under pressure - but more important will be the reaction of the fixed income market, where ECB should could be activated on the OTM and not by Spain but by Italy. Rumors floated late Friday that Italy would ask, back then it made no big sense, but with this week-end change it could be the reality before 2012 runs out.

This is commment from our Milano office CEO Gian Franco Bazzani: "About Berlusconi, the Corriere della Sera wrote that this is the beginning of the election campaign and also the end of Berlusconi as leader of the moderate area.

The next election, probably on 10/11 March, will formalize the end of Berlusconism. The risk is that nobody will have enough votes to drive the Parliament in 2013. Also the Democratic Party (a blend of very different forces) that probably will be the first party in Italy, will have to negotiate with small political forces to have the majority. Confusion and economic weakness is a very bad cocktail"


This is the note I was writing called: Europe turns a negative corner.

This week has been a strange week - the complacency of the market is for everyone to see but underneath the Santa Claus mood quit a few things have changed negative and now even the political climate is again heating up as Berlusconi throws himself into the Italian election race: Old gambler Berlusconi back for last throw (Reuters) - A come-back the  market did not appreciate. It should be noted his party: People of Freemdom only polls at 15 percent, but Berlusconi is going to anti-EU and Monti to gain which will leave Europe and particular ECB shaking it head.

 Italian 10 Y BTP's - December Future


 Souce: Bloomberg LLP

Meanwhile in Spain where unlike Italy they still run decisive primary deficits the IBEX - Spanish stock market is showing big divergence with the broader Europe Index, it' underperforming by 4% since end of September:

IBEX vs. STOXX50 Index

IBEX vs Stoxx50

 Source: Bloomberg LLP

Meanwhile Portugal which only a few weeks ago was the posterchild for austerity on Friday recorded the a surprisingly negative minus 3.5 percent in Q3 as export stalls. Portugal slumps deepens as export lifeline disappear (Source: CNBC)

The Industrial Production and the GDP shows a bleak picture - talk is cheap, hard data is troublesome:

Ind. Production

 Portugal is in dire straits - the government is lost threathning to increase taxes "massively" their words not mine, in 2013. One has to ask how politicians became so lost? Was it us the voters who refused to make them accountable? Or is the modern society flawed when Entitlement and social transfer reach or exceed 50 percent of the economy? I think so, when more than 50 percent of population have no interest in changing status qou growth, productivity and innnovation becomes replaced by complacency and egoism. This is why we need a crisis. We need to get back to basic on all accounts the sooner the better.


We are short EUR/USD since ECB policy meeting, AUD (China and mining investment peaking), short CAC-40 and long puts on both STOXX50 and S&P.

The overall complacency of the market is at 2000 levels - Nto a single Wall Street analyst sees S&P down next year - they could be right of course but a global slow-down, Europe in crisis and a China trying to find it feet will not make for the best conditions but then again shorting the pretend-and-extend hasn't exactly been the best investment in 2012.

Safe travels,

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Steen's Chronicle: Fomc will do more, not less....

FOMC will do more, not less....

Non-Independent Investment Research

This week had three event risks: The German Constitutional Court ruling, Dutch election and now today the FOMC meeting. Two down one to go....and this one could the 'surprise':

The market is expecting no major change from Fed or at a maximum a change to the outlook to include 2015 from 2014, but...I, as per usual I guess, disagree:

The minutes, the 'leaks', the tone and the focus inside the FOMC have changed for two reasons:

1. The dual mandate has become a single mandate: jobs, jobs and jobs. Even Bernanke is frustrated that his monetary experiment have gotten him close to nowhere in terms of changing the dynamics of the US job market. The US economy have stabilized but not found a new growth path. Fed wrongly continues to believe the unemployment is cyclical, we have long argued its structural(wrong skills, wrong locations, poor average education)

2. The fiscal cliff. The price tag on the fiscal cliff if nothing is done is 3-4 pct of negative GDP due to the automatic cuts and overall austerity. This would be good for the fiscal deficits in Club Med in Europe  the negative multiplier would take US growth to the brink or beyond leading to recession. The political negotiations will need to soften this blow but considering the shenanigans of last years debate there is real risk this will end in compromise where GDP is 'only' impacted by 0,5-1,0 of GDP.( Which is about minus 100 points in S&P)

My 'more' view is based on the need as seen by FED to soften both the blow to unemployment but more importantly to negative growth coming from fiscal cliff.

I see unsterilized asset purchases, extension to 2015 and maybe more explicit policy targets- in other words a full blown QE3.

The market using history says: listen, stock market is not down and US economy is humming along nicely, there is no need for policy change.

I agree with the no need for change, as my number one premise for creating positive growth is to 'do nothing' for years letting the micro-economy adjust and take over from the macro policy mistakes, but......Bernanke and his friend around the world are Keynesian's, they believe firmly in their own abilities to save the world, and most importantly they don't want to be blamed for doing nothing.

Instead they are creating the financial market equivalent of Ground hog Day: This week China announced 100 billion USD worth of fiscal stimulus, Europe agreed to yet another 'rescue fund or mechanism' and the US will print more money... It's so 2008....and its again the Einstein's definition of an idiot: Keep repeating the same experiment expecting different results and you are an idiot.

Market reaction to this will be higher gold(test of 1800?), weaker US Dollar(1,3150?) and a test of stock market highs (1450/60?)

I do however still think this is the fifth and final wave meaning any major moves will be faded and sold by me - the monetary policy's ability to change the macro direction stopped two years ago, this week we may see the end of its ability to take stock and risky assets higher. There is only one cheap asset left in the world: Money, and that's a warning signal to the listen to.

Trades over the FOMC: We will, STST Steen Macro, buy a Friday Gold call, but more in this later. We are long EURUSD as per yesterdays recommendation, took loss in AUD.USD.



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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Dow theory

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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Macro Brief: FOMC Minutes with a surprise and inflation expectations could start to rise


Wrote this piece post the FOMC March notes:


But more importantly, the key sentence in the FOMC Minutes was the following:  (Source: Edmund W. Schuster: News from the Fed is moving the market)


"A potentially important debate emerged at the Fed at its policy meeting last month about the U.S. economy's growth potential, the minutes showed. Most economists believe the economy can grow by around 2.5% annually without causing inflation. If the economy's potential is less than that, that could mean that even a small amount of growth could push consumer prices higher and force the Fed to rethink its easy money policies."


Many believe that the U.S. economy has to grow at 3.0 - 3.5% just to absorb new entrants into the workplace.


Further, if there is a chance that inflation could tick up if growth exceeds 2.5%, then the chances of rapid growth above 3.5% seem unlikely. Usually there is a strong inverse correlation between inflation and economic growth.



This is big news and moves the needle on further easing away from “infinite cheap money” forever…..AND as I have state a few times: Velocity of money continues to be the key component in understanding the inflation risk: Good old economics states: M *V = P* Y, M is money supply, V is velocity, P is price level and Y is quantity of output.  This can be converted into: P = M* V/Y


With the math out of the way,  look at this chart from St. Louise FED which is the lending change year-on-year from all commercial banks:



Wow, banks in the US are lending – and the two major ways velocity changes is through loan demand – or losing faith in the purchasing value of the currency (Think Hyperinflation in Germany in the 1920s/30s….


It seems that in the “real world” we have for the first time a rising velocity of money potential through loan demands combined with easy monetary policy – leading me to conclude, again, inflation expectations have reached a low, and if anything, could start to increase, a sign would be steeper yield curve:




So how does this change the FOMC outlook and the liquidity junkies need for more? Not a lot for now- I still think the “path of least resistance” is lower rates, but it seems the “unconventional” is gone for now, or at least delayed and that in itself will make for an interesting talk on investment meetings this next week. The market now NEEDS a weak non-farm to get Bernanke and Dudley back into leaking their intentions(QE 3 to QE Infinite) to WSJ.


We, at Saxo, see a non-farm number in line with January and February, so no big down-side.


Note also the long term  channel I have addressed several times remains solidly in place:






Market was clearly disappointed in the lack of dovishness – and the material change was on growth potential being changed DOWN to 2,5% down from 3,0% to 3,5% - that makes a huge difference and with the wrong assumption on the labor market from Bernanke(he believes in cyclical, we believe in structural), we are now for the first time in five years at risk for higher inflation expectations, that is the last thing the market needs, and probably why it will get it!




We still like US Dollar – a view we have held since late 2011 – access to capital, political stalemate(good for business), and higher innovation/productivity than Europe. We overall think the US Dollar is about to start major up cycle which will negate most of the loss seen since 2000 (EUR/USD @ 0.8400 in 2000) – there will many false starts, but the US is about to outperform relatively on growth although as Fed now realize from a lower level, but so is the rest of world including China.


Safe travels,






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Monday, March 26, 2012

Macro Brief: Governments need to have both shepherds and butchers.

Governments need to have both shepherds and butchers.


This week is all about whether Germany will or will not fully commit to fire-wall. Clearly this weekend's press have the compromise ready: Chancellor Merkel will allow ESM and EFSF to run simultaneously, but only for one year while the EU led for Olli Rehn is looking for a more permanent size.


The math is as follows:


440 billion EFSF (200 billion committed to Greece, Ireland and Portugal) + 500 ESM = 940 billion EUR-200 billion EUR=  740 billion EUR.


In the German version this only run until July 1st 2013, while EU Commission and Club Med wants it to be permanent: Whatever happens I think the below chart from Bloomberg Brief indicate the real size needed in to make the fire-wall attack free: (The numbers are only bonds maturing up-and-to 2013). Market is looking for 1.5-2.0 trillion as the magic number – a number big enough to buy time for reforms.


Maturing debt from now to end of 2013:


As always it is all eyes on Germany – will they or will they not – that's the only question we need to ask. What all other countries do or think is irrelevant – get used to the new Europe – one master, one decision maker – no wonder the fathers of Europe is concerned!


Meanwhile in Spain where the title race is still relatively open between Real Madrid and Barcelona J, things are going from bad to worse – this weekends local election in Andalucia, where Spain's centre right People's Party failed to secure an outright majority, leaving Prime Minister Rajoy without a mandate to carry on with tough austerity – was a bad start to week where we on Thursday will see a major general strike aimed at… Yes, you guessed it: Austerity measures.



The European story remains one of major promises and no actual reforms. A low interest rate and an extreme sense of "security" created by the illusion of easy money and low interest rates forever, but as I wrote  in the piece: Interest rates: the market has it all wrong  this weekend, we could be on route to an exit strategy from central banks which at a bare minimum will be a goodbye to "unconventional measures" and if so, the low in interest rate cycle is in place – and the interest rates will continue on down-ward projection in 10-30 years, but increase in the very short-term (0-2 years) as the focus needs to be on reforms. The only way central banks creates a proper exit from unconventional is to hand over the torch to reforms from governments and politicians. Unlikely,yes, needed? Absolutely, otherwise we are doomed to 30 years of Japanisation.



Otherwise we have a busy week with plenty of data  - note how US data has been disappointing keeping the "mean-reversion" we firmly believe in: (Market goes from expecting too little improvement to believing in too much growth):



Friday, March 23, 2012

Macro Brief: Interest Outlook - Voltaire: 'A sovereign state that owes money only to itself could not become poorer'


Voltaire, 1738: "A sovereign state that owes money only to itself could not become poorer" (Source: Gilles Bransbourg, NYU & Bloomberg Briefs)


To say the last four year since the financial crisis broke out for real in 2008 has been slightly atypical would be the understatement of the century. The central banks across the globe have been deep into their toolbox to find what they call "unconventional measures" – which is really short for cutting interest as low as possible for as long as possible – when rates hit the floor (zero interest rate) in the short-end (0-2 year),  they moved their effort further out on the yield curve buying most of the bonds issued by their own governments Treasuries. Decades ago that would have been called a Ponzi scheme, but in today's world it is sold as the "only alternative".  Voltaire saw it coming.


Traditionally the central banks have only controlled the interest rate curve from Overnight to one year through their policy setting rates, but the severe drop in equities in 2008/2009 and the huge fiscal imbalances created from biggest fiscal stimulus in history created a need for securing "orderly business" through ample liquidity at low rates. That was followed up with a PR blitz from central bank and policy makers telling us: It's all ok – we got everything under control! Sure you do! We then migrated from one bubble to another, and ended up in a debt trap, where governments and banks remains thinly capitalized and often without access to further credit.


The world government and commercial banks now takes so much of "credit cake" – that the private sector is only left with  crumbles. The private sector which is traditionally the risk taking and profitable side of the economy has been cut off from its oxygen : Credit. The macro side of the economy have taken over the micro. Trust me you want the micro economy, you as a person and individual companies, to have the maximum flexibility and access to capital and risk, instead they are cut off, overtaxed and overregulated.


In 2012 so far we have a gradual normalization of interest rates. The move this month has been dramatic and lead to talks of changing fundamentals and a potential for mainly the US for having turned a corner. We were constructive on the US back in Q4-2011 as we saw the expected future growth by consensus economist being too low (Remember the talk of double dip?) – now fast forward to Q1-2012 and the market is, in our view, too busy to project recent "stabilization" into long-term growth. It's too early, if anything our forward looking indicators remains constructive but showing signs of a slow down , hence we believe the US will still be the star of 2012 but only because everyone else will do much worse.


This leaves the recent interest hike as almost a counundrum: Have the interest cycled bottomed – are this the new normal or is it back to mean-reversion? The world needs low interest rates to carry the gigantic debt in front of it, so the outcome to this question will a large impact on future growth and investment climate.


Chart: US 30 year Yield since 1993 – Source:



We presently see three potential scenarios:  (the percentage probability is consensus expectations)


-          Much lower interest rates going forward(60%) – based on infinite monetary expansion. The reflation trade. This is the one option favored by politicians as it is of balance sheet and off accountability for them (Stealth crisis help from central banks). These facts makes this the most likely scenario and if you look at charts also very appealing. Ever lower interest rates in downward channel as seen above.

-          Lower in a channel but all-time low in place(30%) – rates have seen the low overall. The "unconventional measures" needs to exited. The biggest policy mistake historically has always been staying too low for too long. The politicians are clearly getting "hand shy" for continuing the "unconventional measures". Another game stopper could the law of stock versus flow. The policy makers have printed in excess of 3 trillion US dollar globally to keep the financial market and government afloat. This means to have additional impact the net new issuance of money needs to be much bigger in nominal terms(10% of 1.000 is 100. – 10% of 7.000 is 700 – so to get 10% impact in this examples you need to print 600 more for same impact). This is our preferred outlook path now

-          Crisis 2.0(10%). Our old theme which is really the loss of faith in government and its ability to repay its debt. To some extent we have had Crisis 2.0 in Club Med, but it is yet to pass on to major economies like Germany, France, US, Japan and the US. This is the least probable scenario, but IF… we break the higher channel in the above chart if would signal a start to a whole new paradigm where FIAT money no longer is sustainable.


If we are right and the market is wrong, then the move away from "unconventional measures" is a major game changer. The banks- and government are dependent on the false sense of security low interest rates creates. Even a historic normal expected move in interest rates from the bottom- to the high-end of the present long-term trading range 3.0% to 4.75% would have dramatic impact on debt crisis.


Across Europe and the US house owners remains under pressure – any move – small or large would put 100.000s further under water in equity value. That is the negative impact of a debt trap, the inability to create any economic environment where you can exit from the pain of the debt service – look at Japan. The stock- and house market topped in 1980 – now 32 years later the stock market is 75% below its peak. Too negative? Probably, but a long life in trading has taught me a few long-term facts: 1. Everything mean-reverts – What comes up must come down. (Think stock market, house prices, excess, state intervention) and more importantly 2.  We never lean any from history


Safe travels,





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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Macro Brief: Do worry be happy



It is time for a brief macro update – I had spent the week reading a serious amount of research of which I would recommend a few:


Albert Edwards: Always worth a read and one of the few more bearish than me…..Talks about the seasonality of the improvement in the US data – which also gets him on to the view that this year Groundhog Day – same swings, maybe for different reasons, but he is very determined US rates is going to new lows:  &


James Montier of GMO – explains very elegantly how everything mean-reverts (where have we heard that before) and that the massive improvement in MARGINS is due to government consumption – yes government consumption. Take 15 min to read it. Important macro lesson for all to have:


Finally, Goldman Sachs is out with massive recommendation for buying stocks called: Long-Good-buy. I am tempted to say…. No, I will not…. J

My in-house Audi-dealer (I call all equity analyst' Audi dealers – as if you walk into a Audi store – what car will they sell you? Yes, of course an Audi) was all excited about the report, and it is always good to test your own bias vs. a well-researched opposition:




Away from the academia, which all of above is, the real market is in state of confusion. All clear – Alles klar Kommisar!  Europe has turned a corner(Sarkozy told us so…), but… hang-on what's going on in Spain?



What? How can they? Spain has seen higher 10 YR rates and higher 5 YR CDS most of this month – can you spell – R-E-T-R-O-A-C-T-I-V-E-L-Y changing Bond terms?


This is the price for bailing out ECB(and pretending they made a profit!) and for Spain for ignoring the fiscal compact and real reforms.


The Spanish Labor law is not a real reform – it's political posturing: 40% of working force in Spain is in temporary jobs . The 60% have fully protected jobs. Rights which dates back to Franco's time and reducing the lay-off period from 45 days to 33 days is not going to change that. The Spanish labor system is one of two separate systems. One with too many rights, and with no rights, and the worst ting being there is no new jobs being created in either side of the system, as austerity, lack of reforms is continuing to inflict a vicious circle of higher unemployment, more social costs, and lower growth.


I hope, and it's hope like in a church, that Spain will pull through but I do not see the political mandate in place. The general strike on March 29th is not a good sign for reform and change is it?


The big discussion though remains that of how far in the "normalization" of interest rates. I wrote piece last week which talked about outlook that this was a reduction of the tail-risk for the world overall, this leads to less propensity to buy bonds, which unwinds some of the overboughtness of fixed income:



– That's all fine and plausible. Where from now? There are two or three paths from here:


-          Much lower interest rates going forward(60%) – based on infinite monetary expansion. The reflation trade. This is the one option favored by politicians as it is of balance sheet and off accountability for them (Stealth crisis help from central banks). These facts makes this the most likely scenario and if you look at charts also very appealing. Ever lower interest rates in downward channel. Albert Edwards, Soc. Gen in above link makes a very elegant case for this: More of the same. World needs growth and low interest rates to deal with the debt crisis. It may get the later but probably not the first …hence….the winner is….

-          Lower in a channel but all-time low in place(30%) – rates have seen the low overall. The "unconventional measures" needs to exited. The biggest policy mistake historically has always been staying too low for too long. The politicians are clearly getting "hand shy" for continuing the "unconventional measures". Another game stopper could the law of stock versus flow. The policy makers have printed in excess of 3 trillion US dollar globally to keep the financial market and government afloat. This means to have additional impact the net new issuance of money needs to be much bigger in nominal terms(10% of 1.000 is 100. – 10% of 7.000 is 700 – so to get 10% impact in this examples you need to print 600 more for same impact). This is my present thinking

-          Crisis 2.0(10%). Our old theme which is really the loss of faith in government and its ability to repay its debt. To some extent we have had Crisis 2.0 in Club Med, but it is yet to pass on to major economies like Germany, France, US, Japan and the US. This is the least probable scenario, but IF… we break the higher channel in the above chart if would signal a start to a whole new paradigm where FIAT money no longer is sustainable.





We are shortly introducing a more detailed strategy where we will have pro-active positioning with track-record in order to be more accountable. The positions presently in our model is:


Short AUD.USD. China story. Slowing growth. RBA looking to cut rates. Curve is steeping.

Short Coffee. Better and better harvest.

Short Natural Gas. US just became biggest exporter in the world.

Short EUR.USD – strategic trade we think end of April is crunch time with ESM votes, French election, Spanish strikes, and probably forecast cuts across Club Med.

Long S&P vs. short STOXX50. Our model is long S&P – we are short STOXX50 against it.

Short IEF – as proxy for US rates.

Short Gold – our model have gone short, but risk is option expiry next week which generally leads Gold much higher.

Short CRUDE (May) – our model sold Crude today @ 105.68

Long EUR.SEK- we still like EURSEK long-term but respect the model.


Overall strategically we have: 50% cash, 30% in corporate credit, and now 20% in macro bets above.


Safe travels,






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